You are a once in a lifetime opportunity they accidentally treated like a karmic...

People often end up treating you like a karmic out of fear and uncertainly about where to place you in the category of people they entertain; they must have an ego death to openly enjoy your presence in their lives. Otherwise, you become the subject of unnecessary embarrassment for them.

        You are not afraid to sound and look crazy, this leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation. Some people are sure - to their detriment - that you are playing games with them. Nobody can be that clueless. Nobody can be that honest without an agenda. These are some of the background thoughts they have about you as they decipher your motives in connection to them. The road to seeing who you are and your true intentions is jealously guarded by what seems like a dragon. The aspects of you that you believe make you creative, unique and priceless are all the same items that could be on your crazy list of flammable characteristics partners or friends do not know how to make long term considerations for. Leaving you at a disadvantage; people make room for you as a little dirty secret or you are simply a leap too far altogether. 

        The game people play on each other is usually about who forms the most attachment and who comes back, who NEEDS the connection; who is the master and the slave... This is what most human interactions are subconsciously based on. We all play this game of push and pull. Some people are wondering why you!? Why do you have people pushing for you after the game is over? Why did they sleep on you during the premier and here they are now in an empty theater calling your name when there is no one around to see them? Why do you get the last "laugh"!? You were never playing with their hearts, no matter how out of touch you might have seemed - you took their hearts seriously but they chose to be loyal to the people and situations that do not allow them the same space and grace. These people need to allow themselves the opportunity to risk their hearts. Since you approach people with a sense of abandon and authenticity, you Where as you may take the brunt of many first interactions, you end up savoring the lasting flavors of being the "one with no regrets." 

    It is your "craziness" that isolates you. What is crazy as defined by my humble opinion; crazy is who is willing to walk and speak in the spirit without any reservations for how that would translated in the 3D. You do NOT look at the impossibilities of a situation but the prophecy, the inkling and the knowing that leads you there in the first place. You may not be aware, but your words and your actions are heavily influenced by your faith in the divine. This higher light can be absolutely scary, rogue and unreasoning when you look at it from the perspective of those with whom you are trying to connect with. More often than not, Spirit uses this element of your trust in the unseen to reveal future events to these people because Most High knows they will not believe you and they will remove you from their lives.  

    You end up hurting people, not willingly but because they do not know how to manage you in their lives. You are truly unpredictable and not in the "too cool for school" kind of way, instead in a way where you truly challenge people's life philosophy and entice them to take the path of their inner child. Once these people spare themselves the embarrassment of being around you, there is a longing they feel inside that cannot be washed away by the interactions they have chosen to maintain over you. This isn't to say they do not have good associations but none of them brought the level of risk an excitement you brought to them. People tend to know your worth and value in hind sight. 

    Perhaps the dragon is you, yourself; the obstacle is your lack of self- identification when it comes to your beliefs. More often than not, your "self determination" will be misinterpreted as egoism or personal aggrandizement attempted to push an ulterior agenda. You have an impact that might be considered enigmatic at first and a slow burn of a sort. People may find themselves yearning to come back to you for a conversation, an apology, a peace treaty, or on the extreme side, some people come back to your life as though they have done nothing at all to hurt you. 

    Again, WHY YOU?! There may not be anything you do in particular that singles you out; however, you show up behind the knowing of your spirit and this may lead you into a quick and dramatic heart break with most people you encounter, regardless of how you experience it. They may or may not mean ill will. There is a soft spot in you, this "crazy" element that most people approach with mistrust, this is also the very thing that pulls them back to you, hence the "slow burn" I mentioned earlier. They have no other way to explain how they may feel about you or the events that led you to come into their lives in the first place aside from the same extreme feeling they have to be intimate with you. These two opposing feelings within this said person (for you) and you (yourself) have a certain reactivity to them. Your relations with people may seem discongoined but they have a larger puzzle piece to fulfill in the grand scheme of things. 

    The truth is not an easy pill to swallow and the people who live by the pull and flow of their truth are more likely to disrupt their environment and their place is thus always undetermined, edging them out into being a transient; a vessel for spirit and its divine plan to outstretch "its" hands into them and puppeteer its web of events for the collective through them. We are all uncertain about each other in many ways, but what makes your "crazy" crazy is the fact that nothing can stop you from believing, in action, the divine lay out of your destiny and those who may be a part of it. There is more to this story but for this digest. I will leave us with the insight we came here with in the first place; we are playing a role and we are love and loved always, no matter what. It is only our perception that punishes us and THIS is the truth we refuse to live with, yet we MUST face it to transcend it.   

With love



Written by: 
Birhan Assefa

published poet; of the book: 

'sad girl'

Public Speaker  & Founder of Light, 

the YouTube news channel series:

'Look What's Happening 

in the Spirit Realm.' 


  1. Ur totally high on the weeds and the invisible spiritual things ..look bird in tree. Looks nice squinted red eyes look bird is now flying...let them move ...I'm up to 11 walking canes out of these bandos the locals are stumped as to y.maybe?? .. who were these people? Crabapple is making himself a f punckin pie.. ..not an act or script... chapter 67 beautiful young.gentallady. Hebrew 11:¹ anybody ever been asked if they were Yeheshu?? I have loving lovers . I want to do a book with u if possible before the music and television industry steel anymore of my fruit... .. gonna hand them some durian. take that to the bugs... Love serving love...

    1. To the Anymous person who wrote above "Ur totally high on the weeds and the invisible spiritual things ..look bird in tree. Looks nice squinted red eyes look bird is now flying....let them move ...." It's evident that you've watched her video on this topic in ENTIRETY extensively, perhaps multiple times. Your admiration for her and her content is so apparent that you might have even memorized everything she mentioned. I urge you to seek guidance to overcome any feelings of jealousy, as they can be detrimental to your well-being. Your behavior, veiled in secrecy, suggests a form of cowardice. You will never have courage to show yourself. So you hide in Mommy's basement posting nasty comments that matches your face. However, ironically, your comment also reveals that you are L.I.G.H.T's greatest fan. We get it. Perhaps you struggle with the fact that she is exceptionally attractive & gorgeous. Unable to possess or be her, you resort to the next best option: tearing her down. We get your game. Keep on hating.

    2. It sounds like you in fact. Taking on multiple personalities. In fact this whole thread is far too orchestrated. They are all you logging in and changing your user name. You need help. This is obsessive and quite disturbing. Stay safe Light.

    3. I pity you I truly do. I have no obsession with her but you logging in and taking on multiple personas and now trying to bat for her to make you look like a hero. You’re a narcissist, you control and manipulate the people around you. You weave imaginary characters to play out your fantasies. I will not insult the partner you may or may not have. I pray for her in fact if what this thread is anything to go by. Light is fantastic and she will go very far, far away from the likes of you. Light is an independent successful and beautiful woman who is quite capable on making up her mind. I have never said anything hateful about her. I just merely pointed out the fact that you are the one posting under multiple users … your writing style is all over it. You just can’t handle being caught.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I'm LOLLING again at your response, Anonymous Troller.
      Just so you know, LIGHT has dropped another wonderful video about owning our uniqueness. It is an empowering message for those who haven't awakened to their power yet. Go watch it and grasp the core message instead of just focusing on her quirks or missteps(There isn't any). You're not even worth the dirt under her toenail. And if you don't appreciate how she articulates certain things, have the decency to post a direct message rather than mocking her publicly.

      I have no problem telling anyone that I admire LIGHT. Just like you, all true followers of LIGHT deeply admire her. How could you not? The difference is that we cherish her empowering spiritual messages, videos, and writings, revering her and giving her the credit she rightfully deserves. Conversely, you seek to undermine her efforts by trolling and making petty jabs. You meticulously scrutinize her videos, dissecting them FRAME BY FRAME, from start to end, searching for any missteps or shortcomings. Same obsession, different intentions.

      LIGHT might be following this thread and knows exactly what's happening in this thread. I'm pretty sure you're a female... with a face only your mama could love. Or perhaps the True SIMP, with a girlfriend who looks like someone's ugly pinky toe. It bothers you that someone so pretty is full of beautiful light...So, you focus on her quirks and resort to trolling. It makes you feel better. So I'm doing the same to you so you can learn.

      I've created an account. If you click on my name, it will direct you to my account, where you can send me a message directly. This way, you'll know you're communicating with the genuine account.

      If you have the guts, show yourself. From your real account, post about the lesson you learned from her new videos. Do it right, for yourself. See if you can love, if you can admire.

    7. You’re the poster of the anonymous threads one after another not me. You post under this name when you want to be the ‘hero’ and under anonymous or O.O.R and others such as Le Ex Poet when you want to take her down. lol
      My posts are always short and encouraging for Light. I would never take down any female just calculating and manipulating men!
      Abusing what I look like without knowing me says it all. Resorting to quick insults skin deep. That stuff is old, like yourself. I bet you’re old, 60 perhaps. lol

    8. LOL! You returned hoping for responses to your trolling, reveling in your own posts. That's what trollers do. However, you're frustrated because I called you out for meticulously dissecting her videos frame by frame. That's the only way you can mimic her style - by studying and practicing it. Your envy shines through as you search for faults in her, questioning why people follow LIGHT and what makes her special. Despite being a beautiful 60-year-old woman who admires LIGHT's work, you resort to mockery instead of engaging with her ideas and messages.

      Instead of writing a separate positive message for Light, or directly addressing the troller who ridiculed her articulation style, you resort to dirty tactics, trying to make it seem like I'm the original poster. However, this only exposes you as the true troller. Such behavior is unbecoming, especially for someone as attractive as you. Your painstaking analysis of her videos, focusing on flaws, reveals envy and a lack of substance.

      You fail to see your own actions clearly. Your criticism stems from envy. Even if no one else acknowledges it, YOU KNOW it. A healthy, confident, beautiful woman with self-respect wouldn't stoop to trolling someone's work in such a pathetic manner. You ridicule her style because you can't find any real faults.

      It's okay, Anonymous Troller. Your life and trolling skills lack interest. Your futile attempts to accuse me of trolling are as ineffective as your appearance. Instead of criticizing others, focus on self-improvement.

    9. I hope this is reflected right back to you, given that you’re now posting as the ‘The Me’ now in the new post. You like to play games indeed, the 60 year old gentleman that you are.

  2. My bday was on the 4th hip hip hurray

  3. The sad thing is women are predominantly the slave of the male ego. You defy this notion with all that you do.
    The true master is the Devine. Women need to look at you as example. Women are unique, beautiful, crazy and amazing and we all have value, one that doesn’t need a man’s validation.
    Keep doing what you’re doing don’t let any man hold you down or ever think you need one to get to where you want to be. All you need is faith in the Devine. His gotten you this far just think of the future possibilities.

  4. Beautifully conveyed. Overall this digest is your most coherent explanation for the 'inner-truth' (versus under-‘lying’) reasons for informational flow dysfunction in 'out-of-the-box' circumstances we encounter in life... sometimes.

    "...for a conversation, an apology, a peace treaty, or on..."

    It is insightful given the options listed here — that the entire context of how an interaction plays out in the ‘real-world' ultimately comes down to the mind process of - the one doing the judgement on what is conveyed.

    Where there has been presumption of abnormality in the information or indeed the process of conveyance then it is important to address the factors which have made it so in the mind holding the dissonant view otherwise even the first given option is unviable (which should be the natural thing you would agree) if the push and pull of informational exchange had been 'normal' or ‘routine' in the first place.

    Has the ‘prophecy’ or ‘prophetic element’ been assessed or is it established? By what means has or is, that being determined?

    Is there another factor that has made something other than the first one ie. having a conversation necessary?

    Perhaps the other options are offered because there is an admission of uncertain or misplaced ‘judgement’ regarding the conveyance of the original information has been made. A ‘shoot the messenger’ | ‘gag the messenger’ | ‘ignore the messenger’ type situation even.

  5. “People often end up treating you like a karmic out of fear and uncertainly about where to place you in the category of people they entertain”

    **No they do it because that is the essence of their spirit and that is what they project out from inside them, regardless if they met a person who attempted to do their best with them**

    “they must have an ego death to openly enjoy your presence in their lives. Otherwise, you become the subject of unnecessary embarrassment for them.”

    **Fuck all the ego death embarrassment shit. And nobody needs to accept the presence of nobody in their life. All they need to do is realize that they put they fuckin ass on the toilet and shit just like every other human on this planet does and focus on the ulgy piece of shit in the mirror, like every other person does**

    “You are not afraid to sound and look crazy, this leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation”

    **You didn’t even stop to question your thinking to think what you and I perceive as crazy isn’t the same. And even if it were the same, forming an opinion of someone is drastically different than spreading that opinion to other people without letting them meet the individual (much less desiring to prevent anyone meeting the individual for themself)**

    “Some people are sure - to their detriment - that you are playing games with them”

    **If that’s how you feel, say something. Stop being a discreet little bitch. Obviously we all can see what being a little bitch does and where it leads you in the grand scheme of things.**

  6. “Once these people spare themselves the embarrassment of being around you, there is a longing they feel inside that cannot be washed away by the interactions they have chosen to maintain over you. This isn't to say they do not have good associations but none of them brought the level of risk an excitement you brought to them. People tend to know your worth and value in hind sight.”

    **if that’s what u wanna believe cool, but honestly that’s just stupid and you’ll never catch me feeling this typa way for anyone**

    “Perhaps the dragon is you, yourself; the obstacle is your lack of self- identification when it comes to your beliefs. More often than not, your "self determination" will be misinterpreted as egoism or personal aggrandizement attempted to push an ulterior agenda.”

    ** do you want to agree with you or something? Cuz I dont. While you’re so busy trying to unravel me u lose yourself. Stop. This is sick, but not really for me. I could talk about me all day if that’s what you really want, but it seems like you’ll do it for me so oh well 🤷‍♂️ **

    “You have an impact that might be considered enigmatic at first and a slow burn of a sort. People may find themselves yearning to come back to you for a conversation, an apology, a peace treaty, or on the extreme side, some people come back to your life as though they have done nothing at all to hurt you.”

    ** Once again, i could really careless. But that’s probably why y’all omd… ig the world may never kno. Regardless, I want nothing to do with anyone but myself and my money and the experiences I have to come, for this is what I’m owed from my actions. I’m not going to speak on what the actions of others have themselves to be**

  7. “Again, WHY YOU?! There may not be anything you do in particular that singles you out; however, you show up behind the knowing of your spirit and this may lead you into a quick and dramatic heart break with most people you encounter, regardless of how you experience it. They may or may not mean ill will. There is a soft spot in you, this "crazy" element that most people approach with mistrust, this is also the very thing that pulls them back to you, hence the "slow burn" I mentioned earlier. They have no other way to explain how they may feel about you or the events that led you to come into their lives in the first place aside from the same extreme feeling they have to be intimate with you”

    **Assuming you’re right why don’t we just give me a job you stop writing post and making videos about my life along with everyone else and I don’t talk to or speak to no one from my past and we all live happily ever after. Why are y’all so fixated on my life and the past. Okay you felt some typa way about me. I feel some typa about you. We agree to disagree and now we move on like nothing ever happened. Easy peasy **

    “These two opposing feelings within this said person (for you) and you (yourself) have a certain reactivity to them. Your relations with people may seem discongoined but they have a larger puzzle piece to fulfill in the grand scheme of things.”

    ** too late. And fuck your grand scheme of things if it goes against my free will. You fucked up now pay the same price I had to pay for no rational reason at all.**

    “The truth is not an easy pill to swallow and the people who live by the pull and flow of their truth are more likely to disrupt their environment and their place is thus always undetermined, edging them out into being a transient; a vessel for spirit and its divine plan to outstretch "its" hands into them and puppeteer its web of events for the collective through them.”

    **Again, you’re really draggin it bro. Get out ya bag it’s not that deep fr fr**

    “We are all uncertain about each other in many ways, but what makes your "crazy" crazy is the fact that nothing can stop you from believing, in action, the divine lay out of your destiny and those who may be a part of it.”

    ** So that’s my crazy huh? Ight bet gotchu 😈 **

    “I will leave us with the insight we came here with in the first place; we are playing a role and we are love and loved always, no matter what”

    ** Funny how niggas wanna talk about love after the fact. You can eat a dick with that shit. Ain’t no mo love left in this well. But I can fake really well oh yes do I wish you well**

    “It is only our perception that punishes us and THIS is the truth we refuse to live with, yet we MUST face it to transcend it.”

    ** About time you realized that your perception is that of a bitch. Precisely, yes, you got it. In order to stop being a bitch you gotta stop thinking like one 💯 **

  8. Hey,

    So to answer your question about whether or not soulmates are real, because I didn't get to. I personally don't, however there are people who God has for you to be in a relationship with. In terms of marriage we all get the option to choose, however we can request input from God. God will always give the perfect match with your whole life in consideration, not just the honeymoon stage. The 'one flesh' thing I don't fully understand. It could be related to a soul tie, but, if you're spiritually sensitive enough you can actually feel the merging happening, and you leave with a scene of their presence, after the deed.


    1. My 1st point is God picks better partners every time

  9. The above several rants are from a very sore rejected dude. Light you have to find a way to block such fools and soup suckers! Don’t let them taint your light. Go Girl.

  10. Truth is freeing. Confidently Trusting in one's beliefs allows the courage to be transparent. Acknowledging the source of one's strength provides prudence. Living in accordance with your Being grants authority. As authority elevates so does favor.

  11. I Send you so much Love Light, Thank You Source. 💯

  12. Who are these unhinged people commenting on your post? Demons be gone in Jesus' name.

    1. Definitely more than unhinged! Let’s pray these people find their way.

  13. The Light is burning the demons up. Thank you Light, grateful.


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