The Oppressor, The Shy Intended, and The Joker: The Interplay of Domain-Specific Energetic Signatures That Took October by Storm.

The Oppressor, The Shy Intended, and The Joker: The Interplay of Domain-Specific Energetic Signatures That Took October by Storm.

As we reflect upon this past season, two distinct paths emerged in the collective consciousness. When you've learned a lesson and passed it on, those who helped you see your flaws (perhaps by betraying your trust) face a choice: protect their ego and ease their guilt or confront their brutal truths. But it's more complicated. The human emotional terrain is littered with shame, triggering self-protective mechanisms that block the natural flow of energy. Many people only realize what they had after losing you due to an energetic misalignment between their heart and root chakra. They often suppress their feelings or fabricate their past as a knee-jerk reaction to control the unpredictable nature of a connection that doesn't seem to have a predetermined path. However, understanding these energy dynamics can be a powerful tool for personal growth and relationship dynamics. It empowers you with the knowledge to navigate these complex situations, giving you a sense of control and empowerment. 

This new chapter will discuss the actions, intentions, and aspirations of old and new energies cycling through the collective. In my video, A "Karmic" and a New Person Are Competing For You, I speak about the last attempts made by energies now considered under judgment for prolonging the painful ending of a relationship/ partnership. Some stories need to end, but endings come with positive and unexpected transformations. We see energy in the collective that cannot lead with the truth as this shift takes place. Unfortunately, when someone delays their growth to such an extent, they incur delusions to help them move on. I disclosed several details regarding these delusions and the power they give you (whether realized or anticipated) in my video titled, Someone is Delusional Over Your Power & Why You Moved on- They're Calling You a "Love Scam-Artist." We will talk about three variants of energies, some of which you may relate to on a first-person basis, and others may resemble people you have in your energetic sphere or patterns you may have overcome. However, these transformations offer hope and optimism for the future of your relationships. 

The current of energy is shifting several categories of our collective consciousness. For the sake of simplicity, I will discuss these energies under the following umbrellas: 

1. The Oppressor / to accept or to evade transformation 

2. The Shy Affianced / to persuade or to purse 

3. The Enigma / Joker - to expand or to destroy 

1. The Oppressor / to accept or to evade transformation 

For many of you reading this, the energy I'm about to describe may resonate as an energy from your past that refuses to wash off. The Oppressor's energy heavily embodies the lower dimensions of creation. Their role is to limit the natural flow of spiritual progression, adamantine, to keep two souls together. They are deeply involved in preserving their comfort by suppressing natural spiritual progression. Anyone who sticks by them will need to live a stunted life. Their idea of relation with others is detached from the essence of divine intentions, and they live off of people who are readily willing to accept their projections. They do not possess their light in the higher consciousness, directly impacting their ability to thrive in 3D. They are always looking to pin people to a disadvantage so they can freely access them and feed on their essence. The Oppressor is more likely to create bonds (romantic ones included) to scam their way to the next level of their life. 

In my video, Someone is Delusional Over Your Power & Why You Moved on- They're Calling You a "Love Scam-Artist," I mention the process of the Oppressors projection and how it alters your auric field, creating a shield around you charged with more power that you have not readily earned. The Oppressor's projections of you continuously charge this auric field. Their intention is deeply rooted in evil, to shift the pain your absence has caused them into retribution by rewriting your connection's energetic footnotes. This energy cannot deal with the consequences of losing you, which is creating a gravitational pull inward towards the reflection they circumvented, using your light as a shield to guard their ego and honor. Your absence insults this energy mainly because of your inevitable expansion afterward.

As the Oppressor came to this energetic crossroads to accept or evade transformation, they sank to avoid the cost of the intervention. The changes initiated are often more on a spiritual level than on a material one. The Oppressor is not a rigid concept but a description of an energy ascending a ladder. As I mentioned, this energy avoids greater awareness of the higher dimensions; thus, they aren't privy to the subtle yet groundbreaking shifts the divine is making for you and those invited to partake in the gifts with you. Instead, the Oppressor remains stuck in the stages before shifts occur. They blame you for making them aware of their perceived lack and oppose you for having awakened them from the comfort of their cataract. Recognizing and overcoming these past energies is crucial for your growth and development, and it should motivate and determine you to move forward.

When you depart from the Oppressor (whether this energy manifested as a person, a job, or a way of thinking), the full force of reality without you comes crashing down on them. No one can save or excuse them from their prophylactic wounds or traumas inflicted upon them by others. The Oppressor is after relief, However trivial it may be. They will cycle all stages of avoidance until they reach the threshold of the one they feel took their idea of peace and power - you. When all their attempt to dismantle you continue to charge and purify your auric field, making you an even more significant threat to incoming Oppressors, they will strive (as a last-ditch effort) to hold society accountable for keeping them at an invisible standard. The Oppressor will see society as a threat when you move on to others who seem uninhibited by the limitations plaguing the Oppressor. Until they finally learn to climb the ladder of spirituality and connect with you authentically. What you kindle in them is a sense of mystery, initially alluring, always turns lethal without the necessary alterations made to the ego-identification alongside spiritual capitalism. 

2. The Shy Affianced / to persuade or to pursue.

The shy intended are in touch with their emotions to the extent that they can gain something from freely expressing themselves. However, their expression is often influenced negatively by their need to be needed. The weakness attributed to this intention makes them more susceptible to attacks from the lower rung of the ladder—the Oppressor. 

I describe the shy "affianced" in my video titled "They Can't Figure You Out & You Have Unraveled Them To Their Breaking Point." The Affianced lacks a sense of personal power in their intuitive or feminine counterparts, both within and externally, leaving them exposed to the manipulative tactics at the Oppressor's disposal. However, the exciting part about the Affianced is their willingness to go along with the Oppressor, mainly for their superficial benefits. 

The Affianced mirrors the shadow aspects of the Enigma / Joker. The more the Joker stands separate from the crowd without the need to influence a favorable reaction from the crowd, hence, needing the Affianced, the more volatility takes place at the lower rung of the ladder. The Affianced is challenged by the possibility of a successful relationship with the Joker because they would have to unclothe themselves of all the self-minimization they have grown accustomed to and the power dynamic they find comfort in from the Oppressor's need for them. The Affianced has learned to perform at the lower levels of push and pull realities where higher-level connections cannot thrive. 

The Affianced is the observer of this energetic dynamic as much as the Joker is; the only difference is the actualized individuality embodied. The Affianced is held back by the manipulations or false assurances of the Oppressor. The Affianced ignore the inner work they need to influence those outside the 3D- like the Joker. They begrudgingly resist the Enigma / Joker because the Joker's essence mirrors what they have not fully accessed. The affianced finds it more accessible to persuade than to pursue. Persuasion is typically aimed at the Oppressor, who is often masked or hidden. In some cases, the Affianced may be the one persuading for a sense of safety from the glimpse of themselves they caught in the Joker, which they are apprehensive to accept. Either way, they are in a vulnerable state of malleability faced with the seemingly rigid aspects of the Oppressor (a negative energy of sinking- usually more straightforward to incorporate) or the Enigma (The unknown yet possibly illuminated path embodying the free current which goes against the societal barricades.) 

The Affianced is going through an overhaul because they attempted to influence the Enigma using a lower energetic resonance of fear or via eliciting jealousy, which further entangled them into the domain of the Oppressor. They effectively tried to push the Enigma aside, provoking them to stoop into the realm of the Pursuer, which is the characteristic of the Affianced they do not want to accept (hence the mirroring effect.) The Affianced do not like to admit their motivations for several actions they take in the 3D, targeting the Enigma and the Oppressor to serve them as a tool to hide the fact of their facelessness or lack of any solidity within their identity. In my YouTube video titled "They Feel Powerless Over The Place You Hold in Their Life," I break down their internal dialogue when engaging in the power play mentioned above. 

The Affianced lacks empathy for both the Oppressor and the Enigma; their position on the "ladder" is precariously placed in the blind spot of both the Oppressor and the Enigma. They can easily pass as one or the other even though they have not embodied either. Their main struggle is with power. They often find solace in the presence of the Oppressor, convinced that they remain unaffected by the interaction's repercussions. Concerning the Enigma, the Affianced cannot enjoy these same "luxuries." The Affianced feels threatened by the Joker, facing a profound internal dilemma of "join them or beat them." In this sense, the Affianced is the greater humbler for the Oppressor and an even better teacher for the Enigma / Joker. 

3. The Enigma / Joker - to expand or to destroy 

The Enigma is the master of duality. They navigate the fine line between the Pursuer and the Oppressor, integrating the distinct details of both energetic domains to synthesize a balanced reality from the two. The Enigma encounters the muse in unlikely places, usually within people who harbor synthetic personalities that have strangled their freedom of self-expression. When using these simplistic terms, I am quantifying and inspiring clarity in an often multi-streamed and fluid energetic dynamic that overlaps at any moment. These simplistic terms (1-3) help better clarity. Nevertheless, more streams of consciousness branch out from within those domains. 

The Joker constantly seeks to integrate the rage they feel for the disposition of society and their inability to reach and connect with people on a deeper level. The Enigma is constantly absorbing the suppressed side of people and thus accumulating more power (even if it inherently appears negatively charged). However, their primary objective in these interactions is different. The Oppressor generally knows the Enigma and acts like an antagonist in their "heroes/ heroines journey." Due to the Joker's ability to understand and even integrate the shadowy energetic expressions of The Oppressor, these two energetic signatures fight to affect change in those that have not yet made up their minds about them, such as The Affianced collective.  

The Oppressor and the Joker take two very different paths in life, both fueled by a sense of injustice. The Joker's challenge is their expectations of others; their desire to see people as free agents leads them to open up, and in so doing, they become a primary target in a power struggle they were previously unaware of. They have a strong desire for expansion but often ignore the harsh realities faced by others who may lack spiritual spaciousness. The Enigma's strength lies in merging physical matter with mental clarity. The pressure from the energetic signatures surrounding them compels the Enigma/Joker to abandon any previous identities they may have adopted to interact with either the Oppressor or the Affianced. This transformation begins a new journey: dying and rebirth to master duality in this realm.

One of the major turning points occurred when the Affianced attempted to trick the Joker into the role of the Pursuer. October weighed heavily on the Enigma because the energetic pull came from the Oppressor and the Affianced. The Oppressor focused on using those around the Enigma to illicit feelings of isolation and rejection. In contrast, the Affianced role was more focused on ignoring the spiritual significance of the Enigma in their lives while attempting to use them on a carnal level. I later merged the interplay between the Oppressor and the Affianced with the role you, as the Joker, are pressured or inspired to play in the video "You Are One of the Untouchables. What You Are About to Uncover Will Rock Everyone's Life." 

A significant separation event took place, severing the link between the Affianced and providing further evidence of the Oppressor's injustice when the Joker decided to step up and play their divine role of expanding instead of destroying. This choice was difficult because many people the Joker hoped would join their ship instead became a significant lesson in self-mastery. Expansion brings responsibilities, one of which is to let go of certain expectations. It's important to note that the Joker may have set overly high expectations for the Affianced, a consequential distraction and influence on their journey. The final episode marking the end of the October season, titled "You Are Not Looking Back & They Cannot Forget You Cause They Don't Like What You Saw About Them," was wrapped up in the Enigma's self-discovery and a possible closing of a disappointing chapter where the Joker learns more profound truths about themselves and others which further separates them from even the desire to build relationships/ friendships. 


The Affianced can now engage in meaningful self-reflection, as they may have distanced themselves from the Oppressor following the collapse of the power structure. This shift occurred after the Enigma's previous identity, which had maintained the energy flow from the top of the hierarchy downward, ended. The Oppressor is now adopting the energetic signature of the Pursuer, indicating a loss of confidence in their ability to maintain their facade. Consequently, they may postulate some personality associated with humility, although I caution against labeling them as such.

What is the perspective beyond this hierarchy for each energetic signature moving forward? Will the Joker's spiritual journey remain lonely? What can the Affianced aspire to if the Joker can recognize painful truths about themselves? Will these tortured souls face nothing but one crisis after another?

With love,



Written by: 
Birhan Assefa

published poet; of the book: 

'sad girl'

Public Speaker  & Founder of Light, 

the YouTube news channel series:

'Look What's Happening 

in the Spirit Realm.' 


  1. A very nice blog. I've waited for it, expectantly. I am nothing. And I am trying to keep a low profile. I think that is how it must be. Heads above the parapet, are shot at. And what is being done, has to be done, quietly.

  2. Is this how heaven is looking at my life? This is crazy.

  3. Ifeel connect with the writings and expression,I'm grateful for the knowledge that is provided and I wish to show more gratitude.iam also greatful to have people and love ones across the globe that Support me unconditionally,iwish to give back the love that IAM getting,thank you light for being part of my wakening, growing, glowing jeorner may the lord almighty the creator of all creation bless you with more gifts to healing the world ❤️ thanks slot you changed my mindset and my way of seeing the world 🙇🏿‍♂️ bless you 🙏🏿

  4. I found the archetypes. Rather interesting. As I said, before an energy profiler, top notch the best. I have it on good divine authority. How this story Is unfolding There's a few birdies by my doorstep telling me about master manifesters? Manifesting each other All this energy that which is not seen most freely in the unseen realm, where all the action takes place. The Affianced past Trauma weighs heavily On their ability to see things for what they are Thus allowing them
    To settle Into a position
    That straddles a line. When the trauma is released And a particular Chakra Allows light to flow in
    They tell me magic happens😇.
    But who knows all these gurus perhaps they're wrong and they don't know what they're talking about. Thank you for the detailed inner workings of your mind.
    I find the profiles Intriguing I'm expecting follow-ups.
    This story is in the makings for a good book. Fleshing out these characters and providing sufficient motivations for their actions. I love you and appreciate you, my sista.🫰

  5. The oppressor there's a lot of mitigating factors that drives the oppressor.
    And the people places and things they attach themselves, the reasoning behind the attachment, how they enforce the attachment, perhaps how they initially Are able to attach themselves. Actually, I would be careful fleshing out these characters. Not because I don't think you shouldn't indeed You should, but I think you should do it in a book. Or manuscript?
    Now that I think about it, the ability that you have to profile And briefly going over your previous blog post, In my opinion, it's great material for a book. As a matter of fact, I think you should probably take down what you have now.
    There's already enough copycats running around looking for ideas what you have I can envision a miniseries, or yeah, the day in a life.
    Of The Matrix breaker/ Enigma/ I guess joker? Versus the oppressor and the struggle To win the heart and loving affection Of the hard exterior yet shy, vulnerable Girl next door. You know what would make a good debate, Batman wanting to maintain dogma and decadence. Is that good and joker? On the other hand who wants to destroy and burn everything down.
    Seeing dogma, decadence, Tradition That never changes.
    And the general madness of a society ruled by ego That rather run in circles.. As bad Or crazy? Although I don't condone Unalive.

  6. Spiritual Perception.
    We can only perceive up to the level we ourselves are at. Anything below, we can see it, as it is below, where we perceptually are. But anything above, we can only see that, as we are. So, an enigma, potentially, infinitely, spiritually, higher up on that spiritual scale, would be unrecognizable, to anyone below them, they would appear, as all that are lower on that spiritual scale are. You could be standing next to an enigma, and talking to them, and not even be aware, that that is what they were.

    1. That is indeed true. I appreciate your input. 🩵

    2. That is true, that is in regard to ignorant karmics. Partially jealous of those who have that level of experience, but not really. I was willing to face anything truest inside. I am one whose chart was sold. My whole life has been a very horrific Truman show.😂 And in between I’ve had both types consistently employed against me. Even my own parents. Fortunately I am, my Father and Mother reside within and they have NEVER abandoned me. 🎉🔥 as I began to see new perceptions in reality I found several of you to help expand and succeed against the enemy. To choose to be a hero, right on the cusp of destruction. To see the tools of the enemy till the last drip drop moment. Light, being seen by you was the (light) I needed to accept the beautiful really cool untethered nature of each scene of the movie. To combine my realization of this fractal reality with your clarity.

      You know us cause you are us and so you knew exactly what to do. Your energy is beautiful Light. May God ever fill your soul with his wisdom and bless you to the heights of your hearts content.

      You are a badass. Thank you for bridging the gap. 🔥🙏🏽

      Love Grey,
      Invictus ~ We Rise. Blaze the path.

  7. To 'My Shining Light'; so true. And to above 'anonymous' comment; ✨️ so true. There is always LIGHT somewhere and remembering this brings hope and eventual balance, even if/when we can't see it. The 'split' I felt in a dream that I did relay to LIGHt at one point but I will need to read this over to fully know what it all means; I'm not going to pretend I comprehend it all. 🌳
    Love 💙 and peas...
    to everyone here...🕊

  8. I would like to interview you for my YouTube channel

    1. Also I think it would be helpful to make a "dumbed down" version of this information for simpletons like me. Like a punch list

  9. I hope you realize how unique your perspective is here. Impressive work.Who's smarter than you? Not me.

  10. I finally read my homework again. he he

  11. As the enigma I resonate deeply with your depiction. I do not call myself that as a brag, in fact it is the heaviest of burdens, but also the brightest of light and energy. I was aware when accepting this mission that I would face severe resistance from the non believers aka oppressed, and I have survived scenarios most of the population will never even experience in a nightmare or horror movie. All that being said, I’m a warrior for the light, ascended master, original, I believe they all have the same connotation, and I will battle every second of every minute of everyday to defend the abused, mistreated, and all of the collective. I can’t say much more of the future as I am meant to work quietly at this moment in time, however I will divulge that I’ve been reincarnating since Egyptian rule where I was a pharaoh, I am a very old soul. Again I want to stress that I am not sharing these details to boast, I just think it’s kind of cool and possibly inspiring to anyone on the fence about their spirituality. I battled and finally defeated…. Or came in control of my ego after decades of inner warfare, which means anyone reading this, aside from the narcissist, also has the ability to do it! The key to life is believing in and, loving yourself so deeply, and also having compassion for your fellow human beings without expecting retribution. If your in the process of doing this now and things get hard, try to remember you deserve love and respect and abundance! This journey in this life has indeed been lonely and rife with lessons and tests, and I hope to connect with my spiritual family soon! I strive to become as eloquent with my vernacular as you are, and I appreciate your ability to explain things with that detachment you spoke of, therefor allowing the information to be absorbed in ways other than just unbridled emotion. Alright I have rambled for a minute here so I’m gonna stop here. I look forward to future videos and blogs, your doing good work!

    1. Thank you for sharing yourself. It’s an honor to have you here. We are One in Spirit. May you continue to walk your divine path as well! 🫰


  12. I think in some aspects I was an enigma operating as shy affianced in past due to my lack of self knowledge and due to attachment to others. The reason I don’t think I was just a shy affianced is due to the light work I was willing to do and my willingness to press into truth and press into the high calling and I could feel my resistance to the will and work of oppressors…I believe my prior lack of knowledge and insight of spiritual things though sometimes caused me to operate as a shy affianced… in 3D …but spirit used my enigma inner truth to disrupt and expose and I used to be bewildered like I didn’t mean to do that why did I have to do that.. and then feel anxious about my presence causing disruption and Also feel anxious, low, and defeated about the masked/ open hate and rejection I could perceive/ receive towards me….and this year by the workings and help of source and his sending of light messengers; I learned to bear rejection and gain strength to be detached and accept isolation and embrace it, there by stepping up to enigma/joker …and instead of pain for the attempts of the oppressor and for lack of compassion from shy/affianced, inwardly I have the strength to laugh like the joker because I realize these attempts needed my participation or my desire to care or be needed but now I’m detached / free and keep moving forward. No longer stuck and anxious trying to persuade and pursue other to come along or to belong or be liked.

    I sometimes chuckle that I found you so bewildering and scary Light. That I thought I needed to dodge your messages to avoid a lull despite the pull..and now Oh how I cherish and thank you. God knows.

    1. Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. Laughed at the realization my enemies needed me to destroy me, not laughing at my enemies

    2. Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad

  13. I am so grateful that you have the mental capacity to reflect on such trivial topics. You have grabbed my hand and have pulled me along begrudgingly. I am grateful for your sincerity of enlightenment. May you forever continue approaching these ever changing energies with the same vulnerability and prowess. It is amazing to see the cycles for what they are. To be able to pinpoint who’s who, and what role each energy plays as well as predict their next cycle of development. As well as gaining insight as to where I am heading. Thank you L I G H T❤️

    1. What is trivial to the mundane is the wisdom and beauty of God.

  14. It is definitely not easy to read this information. Sometimes I wish God would stop putting me in these social dramas. I feel the desire for peace and yet I see we must all pick a side. I much preferred my solitude. It is not easy. This reminds me it may be time to remember who I am rather than argue with my doubts. Thank you light.

  15. This shit is stupid. Just as stupid as getting YouTube comments disabled and porn blocked.

    1. You need to work on yourself. You are a disrespectful stain slash shame on this earth. I already know yo are a hurt individual but you have no to disrespect anyone like this. you say u would spit in her face. I promise if you were locked in a cage with me right now you wouldnt make it out.The way you protrayed youself is of a small little man who isnt okay with themselves. Karma is a b. So be ready... 999

  16. Can even look at some porn in privacy these days

    1. Why do you project your desire at Light. Her wisdom is her body. Her domain. Seek authenticity in yourself. You’re not judging anyone but the dark within you have no faced.

  17. Or stupid as the videos

  18. Or stupid as sending people in someone's life to do be weirdos

  19. And trust, you do care about my words. But why the fuck are you even acknowledging their presence. I don't give a fuck about you but you don't see me bringing it up from no where

  20. It's scary how delusional you are

  21. If I ever meet you light, I'll be sure to spit in your face when I see u

    1. I know it hurts to feel what you feel. To feel so worthless and shameful that you believe if people knew you they would spit in your face. Just know I love you anyways. Thank you for being the test needed to expose our need to be accepted and understood. May you now be given the blessing of God showing you the truth in your journey and no longer able to avoid or absorb from others. Instead you’ll learn on your own merit to face which Father you choose in the end. Go. Turn away from the external, for as God not to put your journey first is hell. You don’t have to stay though the gulf is wide.

      Why do you think we are here? To destroy? To judge? To war? No. But to love. To save. To free.

    2. Stfu cuz u sound dumb you can't empathize with something you can't fathom

    3. All you ignorant, immature, disrespectful ass MFS, if you don't like it then why are you in here???

    4. L I G H T❤️
      8621 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910

  22. Enable my comment section stupid bitch

  23. All that love shit is gone. But you can have some of this karma tho

  24. At this point give me the blog and let me write the shits. You don't know how exhausting it is to read something that you could easily write better

  25. Yea this my new outlet

  26. I'm glad to see you didn't post shit today

  27. Let's go for a year streak

  28. Ethan (Aka "T" or "Dadday")November 9, 2024 at 7:30 PM

    213 846 3502

    Bet ya ass gon be a lil bitch about it too. Make sure you mention this again in one of your next videos. I love seeing you try to act all nonchalant while the words you say demonstrate your foolishness like the cookie crumbs on a lying child's face

  29. If I rape ya dad, does that make me a fag?

    Nah I did it for the power
    If you choose the gun over the dick then doesnt that somewhat make you a coward?

    Surrender your life to this long dick nika

    Imma bitch seeka

    Finish it Light then I'll consider your lame ass proposal

  30. Bitch u better invest in me first before u go energy harvesting. Nigga imma walking stock and y'all got the marketplace all fucked up. Outdated algorithm I swear on Satan

  31. , not god get ya mind right

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Love and peace to all of you beautiful souls

  34. You are your Guru. If you don’t look within you are seeking external validation. You cannot find the kingdom outside of yourself. Not even in Light. She can only shine to help you accept or deny the truth inside you.

  35. 🩵💙L 🎧 I 🎵 G 🎶 H 💟 T💙🩵

  36. Spit in her face????you would go that far ?well shoot me your real name ,cause I can't wait to be cell mates with you !!!my next bit is nothing less then a dime ,with the nickel out of the way some years back ,im glad you like spit ......I love spit .....I also love the most high,and what his son blessed everyone with ,my hero,my heavenly father ,jesus......and my true advice to the spitter,good and evil,right and wrong ,would be worth your time to investigate, rather have me ,then the most high.....there will be no spitting in anyones face .....that being said ,peace everyone!

    1. I'm glad you said it cuz o want to hunt them down myself

    2. Okay ig I'll just have to spit in the face and bitch slap as well.

      Any other suggestions celly? Or should I say bitch bc that's going to be your new name. So learn it well cuz imma need you to spell it out when I address you.

    3. Or bitch slap first then spit

      Hoes be outta pocket till they ass get hit

      Nigga should have been a gorilla pimp

      Hit that number up and I'll give you my social too. That shit fucked so you can have it all.

      I should post that too but I think Light might try to clone me or some sick shit

  37. Scarier than grim rEEpa

    The gatekeepers secret keeps

    Manifest destiny, Eureka!!

  38. Thought I was some sort of spiritual energetic trick, nah it ain't slippin if you got it but the leak fosho closed

  39. Beautiful Work. I believe each path consists of loneliness, not just the Joker. Each have there periods of solitude. When you begin to accept things for what they are, people for what they are, etc it honestly never gets easier. It’s a limbo of wanting to be numb, yet you can’t just be, as we are in a field of be-comings. Everybody loses. Is either pill, blue or red actually more beneficial than the other?… Continues to expand & destroy.

  40. Think u a god cuz you watch cameras and social media but the true God is what you're looking at

  41. I had that experience in past.

    And when ends it’s ends

    I didn’t understand at beginning but, I decided starting and cut completely. I decided handle with my life.

    Now I don’t have any problem to talk about or looking or thinking in the past.

    I don’t agree with you in all thoughts

    I only want to say few words

    I don’t agree with you when you said to disappoint them

    In my opinion and what I did , is accepting that they don’t exists anymore, either I gave more time in thinking in disappointed them.
    I simply don’t want to know anything
    Now, and I m completely sure about, I don’t have any doubt that I cut completely all .

    I don’t have any connection
    I don’t have any deeply connection
    If is a soulmate or twins flame either.

    Cause aren’t the others that could say that in video, or other things.

    I m so relax about that and I can’t change my vibe and positive and joyful mood for them,

    And for trying help others a few things
    I hope could help, and I m completely sure this
    Who have a problem , trust in this words and do what I said.
    Don’t exists anyone either never will be exists.

    The people that break you is the same that will help you after.

    And this video is the example.

    They tell that you must go way, bla, bla,, bla

    What they want is that you never forget that past and you stay with that pain forever.

    They don’t want that you star again like they said.

    Every video is a trap.
    Every video has an intention that never is what about what are talking about.

    And I m sure too

    If someone wish talk to me or have any questions or have a doubt feel free to find me

    Everything is illusion
    Everything is the same narrative that they were planned and will be planted in your mind.

    And my experience until now that’s nothing real or tangible happened ever.

    Every argument is a fake

    Good luck for all who needed

  42. I had that experience in past.

    And when ends it’s ends

    I didn’t understand at beginning but, I decided starting and cut completely. I decided handle with my life.

    Now I don’t have any problem to talk about or looking or thinking in the past.

    I don’t agree with you in all thoughts

    I only want to say few words

    I don’t agree with you when you said to disappoint them

    In my opinion and what I did , is accepting that they don’t exists anymore, either I gave more time in thinking in disappointed them.
    I simply don’t want to know anything
    Now, and I m completely sure about, I don’t have any doubt that I cut completely all .

    I don’t have any connection
    I don’t have any deeply connection
    If is a soulmate or twins flame either.

    Cause aren’t the others that could say that in video, or other things.

    I m so relax about that and I can’t change my vibe and positive and joyful mood for them,

    And for trying help others a few things
    I hope could help, and I m completely sure this
    Who have a problem , trust in this words and do what I said.
    Don’t exists anyone either never will be exists.

    The people that break you is the same that will help you after.

    And this video is the example.

    They tell that you must go way, bla, bla,, bla

    What they want is that you never forget that past and you stay with that pain forever.

    They don’t want that you star again like they said.

    Every video is a trap.
    Every video has an intention that never is what about what are talking about.

    And I m sure too

    If someone wish talk to me or have any questions or have a doubt feel free to find me

    Everything is illusion
    Everything is the same narrative that they were planned and will be planted in your mind.

    And my experience until now that’s nothing real or tangible happened ever.

    Every argument is a fake

    Good luck for all who needed

  43. Are they really an oppresser if they're too bitch to show face?

    Even Hitler stood on his shit and owned it.

    Isn't the whole point of being evil is to be known? Come out little bitch

  44. The shy intended and the shy unintended

  45. America portays Kim Jun Yun (uknowhoimean) as an oppresser but he has more respect cuz he's not hiding behind a camera lense

  46. Like everyone already knows u omd so bad so you might as well start smd. I'll keep you good and safe baby I promise

  47. Don't care what they think this between me and you

  48. I'm looking for a rich bitch

  49. Imma try my luck out in Beverly

    So when I get there that's where ya ass better be

  50. I won't bite I promise

  51. The untouchable part about 2 months ago somebody sent me a video saying I was one of the untouchables I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.. but after my several my last four altercations with police in the last month is a possibility that they can't touch me

  52. Even atoms change behavior under observation so wtf u think imma do?

    Stop monitoring my movements bitch

    1. Stop monitoring my movements motherfucka

  53. Public speaker my ass. All becuz u post YouTube videos doesn't make u a public speaker. And half the shit you sayin doesn't even make a quarter of sense.

    1. Blah, blah, blah, badum dum booger

  54. I'm such an empathy that I'll completely empathize with you that you lack empathy 😈

  55. Hello Light. I've been wanting to talk to you. Everything has been pretty much on point from you and a few others. All this is a lil bit overwhelming but I'll get it in control. Can you guess who I am? And hey, cuss as much as you fucking want to or need to. I don't get offended at least not easily. But all these disrespectful ass MF's in here, that sets me off some, and I don't like it. They have to post anonymously. Pero anyway, forget them. I can't wait for your reply.

  56. Bitches think I'm schizo cuz I filp the script so woah

    I'm the shit even when I blooper
    I'm all 3 in Sly Cooper

    Sly as shit even in a stupor

    1. Bitches think I'm schizo cuz I filp the script so woah

      Perfectly timed blooper

      Nigga I'm super

      I'm all 3 in Sly Cooper

      Sly as shit even in a stupor

  57. I can fill in the script, meet the enigma/joker. Hi!

  58. Jesus has it all under control Vengeance is mine says the lord jesus.

    1. Praise Jesus pRaiSing sInnerG'zUs!


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