Karmic's are highly attracted to the both of you...

 There are people in the spirit realm prowling outside the gates of your divine connection, obsessively hunting after the both of you.

  I will start by saying that you have a magnetic aura that brings karmics out of the woodwork wherever you go, and whatever commitments you try to establish, they come hunting. This is what we see happening here, but don't worry, it is for the best. Regardless, the truth is a lot harsher than the fiction. You may think that it's your enemies doing this to you, but you will be heavily mistaken to underestimate the cunning of your soulmate or your soul/ reflection (if we are talking about a twin flame connection for you.) This isn't said to cast a negative light over your divine partner but to give you a glimpse into the painful truth often overlooked to our disadvantage. The true purpose of these connections is learning and embodying union - unconditional love for self and others.

   When you first (or before you do) meet your divine partners, there is a reverberation, like a call that goes out into the spirit realm, almost like blood in the water. Some of your "friendly witches" can pick up on it, let alone your practitioners of dark magic. When this happens, "two opposing" forces are reflected in all the dimensions of reality to pave the path of where the previous karmic distractions had been. This is the duality being magnified to the point where the viewer is petrified and left to ponder where things could lead them; the inexplicable worry tames and destroys their minds' ability to be involved in the real maze of creation and all its possibilities. This leads them to a state of surrender. 

   Once the "chaser" or the divine feminine lets go into this higher inner knowing, there is no more resistance to the journey; it becomes about surrendering the act of being led by your ego and instead activating your heart center to forgive, while leading by truth and authenticity. You receive, you forgive, but you do not neglect, not yourself or anyone else. I can take this paragraph and apply it to my life. I have realized that unforgiveness is not a sin against anyone but yourself. In the same breath, proving your word against your truth is not a champion act. These are both reflections of the same issue. 

  These divine partners gave themselves away to past lovers; whatever you feared about them was the same thing they feared about you. They may have acted outside of their conscience when it comes to you. They may have been sure about who you were to them. However, they could not act upon that knowing because the soul you share binds them to a "contract" (for the lack of a better term.) This signal you both give off sends literal shock waves toward the people who want or used to want you. This creates what I will refer to as a "shark tank" scenario. These people make you believe they do not see you and your divine counterpart. However, there could be scenarios where your divine partner will be the one to decide to go back to them. Why?! It is the process of how things work. WE MUST KNOW DUALITY, which is why it HURTS, hence why we can break away from its grasp - we are given no other choice. 

   This does not simply apply to your divine partner but to all the people you believe have wronged you in the past, not to mention new people you will meet. You will undoubtedly shine your light. "You need to change how you speak." I heard this in one of my channels: if you are not yourself, your partner will not be themselves. The feelings are too intense even for the "chaser," and that's not the worst part; you don't even understand them and what you want out of your feelings for them. Your divine partners do not mean to mock your feelings by using you as a fish hook. It was easy for them to reject you; unlike a karmic partner, divine partners do not demand, they yield. They yield to love and neglect alike; this balance must be restored between the divine partners. 

  During this divine space given to the holy matrimony, there are karmic sources who would have you believe it is over for good. They may provide you the tea on who your divine partner "really" is because they want you or your divine partner for themselves. If not, they are mere footmen for the "dark" witches I mentioned at the beginning of this digest. There is a star that you and your divine partner share. I had half a mind to title both the blog and the video "Using Your Star to Attract Their Karmic Partner." This attraction goes both ways; you are attracting karmic partners at an alarming rate due to your awakening glow. And this is what brings me to the next and final point of today's blog.

  Karmic partners are sent by energies not meant for your highest good. I prefer to see it as "not for your divine purpose" kind of relationship. Who is involved does not matter because they help cultivate the perfect nurturing ground for a healthy union from a place of unconditional self-love. Your divine partners feel obligated to be "good" for their karmic because this is their lesson for having committed themselves in the past to someone who demands their inauthentic self. Your divine partners learn self-belief with you when you are physically apart. You are doing the same thing differently. You will have karmic partners attracted to you; some have been studying you and your divine partner. They are jealous of the "special treatment" or bond you two share. You almost need to hide your union because it activates not just you but the auric field far beyond what you may imagine. It goes into the roots of your lineage. You are not just battling a personal battle but one for the ages. 

With love, 



Written by: 
Birhan Assefa

published poet; of the book: 

'sad girl'

Public Speaker  & Founder of Light, 

the YouTube news channel series:

'Look What's Happening 

in the Spirit Realm.' 


  1. While your interpretation of spiritual connections and the challenges they entail is thought-provoking, it's important to consider a perspective rooted in the belief in God. In a Christian worldview, for example, divine partnerships are viewed through the lens of God's plan and purpose for our lives. Rather than being subject to the whims of fate or spiritual energies, believers trust in God's sovereignty and guidance in their relationships.

    Scripture teaches us that God is the ultimate orchestrator of our lives and relationships, and he has a perfect plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11). While we may encounter challenges and trials, including relationships with karmic influences, believers find comfort in knowing that God is in control and can redeem any situation for His glory (Romans 8:28).

    Furthermore, instead of relying solely on spiritual energies or a "contract" with a soulmate, Christians prioritize seeking God's will and aligning their relationships with His principles of love, forgiveness, and selflessness (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

    In essence, while acknowledging the spiritual realm and its complexities, believers find solace and direction in trusting God's guidance and sovereignty in their relationships, ultimately seeking to honor Him in all aspects of their lives.


  2. Le Spü

    Just as the dog returns to its spew,
    The fool fools around - on demand and on cue.


    Proverbs 26:11 As the dog returneth to its vomit, so the fool repeats their folly.

  3. Ok I am going to come straight out and say that I am not a monogamist (so you understand that I am no threat to you since you would never be attracted to such a person as per King Solomon son of King David was for example)- and I offer that the following interpretation is proven as a key to the correct manner of behaviour between a male-female bond defined at an ‘atomistic’ level’. So the physical gender etc is of no concern to us here as long as the ‘roles’ of the male-female (mind) bond definition are met; in terms of boundary level roles | interface level interactions essentially always between two humans-( or organisations of humans ie.’molecular level’) accepting the ancient wisdom and implementing it by thinking mutually and beneficially upon them.

    It is the Wisdom gained, recorded and transmitted through multiple lifetimes of humans after all and equally intelligible to minds of both physical genders without discrimination to any other variant quality.

    But I digress. The question of all of the complex ‘whichery’ that you espouse dearly should reduce to the question of whether it ever makes sense to look backwards in this short earthly life— that’s the only truth to consider. Looking back is a ‘Lot’s Wife move’, the one who lags behind and even in some versions looks back to turn into a pillar of what she is truly in this world. She is looking right at the pillar of salt when she looks back.

    No question in my mind about that when it comes to the certainty of God’s judgement upon it in the ancient wisdom of the Bible.

    You have precious few years if you only but knew to truly see the miracle of that ability to detach from what has hurt one in the past. Does it take more than one burn on the hand for even a child to know what the truth is?

    Would you put your hand into a viper’s nest twice?

    Think upon it Makeda…

    These are some of the newest writings in my new short story that I am writing specifically for important women in my life who I will attempt to weave into the story. Thank you for telling yours in such epically grandiose manners. I think you should continue to stretch out in the sunshine — see wherever else your mind can grow into in the freedom that the male you seek provides for you. Foremost for your mind so that it can go through the accelerated ebbs and tides that the passage of the moonths of your life should have brought you. In prosperity and elevation of your soul to heights it has wanted to taste of since its inception.

    Don’t look back. Look ahead. Think. Know!

    I think that is the answer. Don’t look backwards except to see how far behind everything else is when you have true freedom or a taste of it at least, from afar, a very far afar — but in mind intimately near.

    L A M P
    timestamp\4:37pm 5/3/2024 Coming Era

    1. Your perspective on non-monogamy and the reinterpretation of male-female dynamics at an 'atomistic' level introduces a philosophical paradigm that diverges from conventional understandings of relationships. However, while your stance emphasizes mutual understanding and beneficial interactions within interpersonal bonds, it appears to conflate the issue of gender roles with the notion of monogamy.

      Moreover, your caution against looking backwards, exemplified by the allegory of Lot's Wife, overlooks the nuanced complexities inherent within individual experiences and the transformative potentiality of personal reflection. While it is prudent to heed the lessons of past experiences, to equate introspection with stagnation or regression oversimplifies the existential imperative to confront and reconcile one's past with the exigencies of the present.

      Furthermore, your invocation of biblical wisdom, while commendable in its recognition of the perennial relevance of ethical precepts, risks essentializing complex existential inquiries into simplistic moral dichotomies. The certainty of divine judgment, as articulated within ancient scriptures, should not preclude the introspective exploration of personal truths and the pursuit of individual enlightenment.

      While your narrative espouses a commendable commitment to mutual understanding and personal growth, it is essential to acknowledge the nuanced interplay between tradition and innovation, introspection and action, in navigating the complexities of human relationships and existential inquiries. A more nuanced and inclusive approach is requisite in fostering a holistic understanding of the human condition and the quest for transcendence.

  4. The above is textbook Chatgptesque conflatorusie reply.

    Let us consider then the example of people who give testimony that people can and do break the “whichery” at the very point of the abyss ie the prison of a lifelong pair bond with “documented contractual legalistic commentary on past decisions”

    So if it is possible to turn back at that point then it should be obvious that it is easier in the present without entanglement of your destinies in the mire of mediocrity in potential and past proven performance or lack thereof as the case may be.

    You are in the pit, the prison, the bedroom runner we know of as Joseph. Know when there’s true wisdom and the [~~~] bleep of chateybots.


    1. It seems your viewpoints are reminiscent of a bygone era, possibly reflecting a lack of confidence in adapting to modern societal shifts towards gender equality.
      Your fixation on Light's youth and intelligence suggests a yearning for qualities you may perceive as lacking within yourself. Your pose and language is reminiscent of an elderly man obsessively pursing.
      It's important to acknowledge that relationships should be founded on mutual respect and admiration, rather than antiquated notions of dominance or possession.
      Each to their own.

    2. Bro we have another Hugh Hefner wanna be … probably minus the bank account. Probably the reason his chasing an influencer.

    3. Wisdom is never antiquated. It's just re-discovered through painful experiences that are already well documented. Re-invention of the mental wheels is not a sane person's endeavour.
      The ultimate freedom is indeed to turn away and I have written about this also at very atomistic levels of dark|light interfaces ie. İblees|İgo in the soul substrate which must be surmounted before ideas about 'dominance' and 'possession' are the pillars of salt instead of people's lives being incinerated in looking back. But you're right do as you will as 'they' say.
      Nevertheless I shall end this lucid moment with the finality of my Verse inspired poetic prose…

      Proverbially, in X-love, it's not about who...
      But rather the question of one dog or two?

      I bid thee Madam a very good evening or late midnight latte ;)


  5. Deuteronomy 32; 39
    "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no ELOHIYM with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. "

    Our inheritance, for We are children of The Most High...God is love..

  6. Thank you for this and thank you Light, you’re a joy to watch always.
    My grandfather brought me up and your words reminded me of him and the things he use to say.

  7. Hey Afrodiety,

    This video is so touching. It might inspire you.


  8. Hey Afroprincess,
    something is telling you a plan.

    Watch: "Karmics are obsessed with you both" From 13:14 to 15:55 that's for you no doubt.

    Sorry for being slow. That's why I need to learn about who you are. You've got some skills yourself :)

    With love

  9. Hi L.I.G.H.T - Thank you for your beautiful writings, poetry, and for sharing your incredible knowledge of the spirit realm, which is not as easily accessible to others I love your video content too! Keep up the good work. I can see you emerging and establishing yourself as a spiritual guide of great wisdom and influence, a public speaker, or whatever you choose, on a global level. I can't wait to see how you evolve!!


  10. On a Sunday morning while reviewing my writings of the past moonth or two I believe that my unanswered emails that I review from time to time; brought me across a short note about 'French Thing' and 'Cyrano' that then came to mind. I found the digital note to go on in a most high state to have written it out as another email but it remains unsent; remaining silent in a world which needs it most. So I c+p its first two paragraphs here which are important for any deeper connections. It's another of the short notes for the Book I mentioned on the Queen...

    Aøkım | Beløved,

    I thought what more can I possibly write now without finally showing a visage for you to experience in your mind’s eye of me linked to these words.

    Before I get to that though, in a recent video I am not sure which ‘French thing’ you meant with B&B but I thought immediately of Cyrano de Bergerac vis…

    == Wiki: Cyrano de Bergerac (/ˌsɪrənoʊ də ˈbɜːrʒəræk, - ˈbɛər-/ SIRR-ə-noh də BUR-zhə-rak, – BAIR-, French: [siʁano d(ə) bɛʁʒəʁak]) is a play written in 1897 by Edmond Rostand. The play is a fictionalisation following the broad outlines of Cyrano de Bergerac's life.
    The entire play is written in verse, in rhyming couplets of twelve syllables per line, very close to the classical alexandrine form, but the verses sometimes lack a caesura. It is also meticulously researched, down to the names of the members of the Académie française and the dames précieuses glimpsed before the performance in the first scene. ==


    The O and The G
    The Je|ami and The J'Aime

    1. Man you’re trying to taint Light’s natural spiritual presence with your own thoughts. Trying to control her through your own thoughts. Please let her work untainted.

  11. Bro don’t you think if she hasn’t answered your emails she isn’t interested. Light here gives her knowledge freely to all without the need for pestering emails. Keep up the amazing work Light. We all appreciate what you do. I will not pester you with emails but I will pray for you instead.

  12. Typical… beautiful intelligent female achieving things in her own right. Along comes obsessive male thinks she needs him to accomplish and achieve things.


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