You Are What They Pretend to Be.
You Have Unknowingly Inspired Someone to Change the Standard of Treatment They Receive From Their Partner Due to the Change in Frequency You Brought to Their Partner. You are secretly inspiring (Karmic's) to shift their perspective on love. Before I begin, I will refer to the term "karmic" to loosely describe NPC (non-player characters) occasionally, or as I like to see them - bodies that a soul has not yet occupied. There is an undisturbed stagnancy you are shaking up by your presence. You might believe that you are of no consequence to the "divine" people you meet. However, the truth is that you have left an imprint with the bearings of the standards you live by. There are two timeline divergences you could be inspiring at this time. One is that of a karmic who has foreseen the desire your divine partner privately holds while attempting to assuage them through tainting their intuition and embedding themselves into the blueprint they ...