There is something enigmatic about you that keeps people around you...

There is something enigmatic about you that keeps people around you or coming back for more...


    I have come to understand a phenomena that seems to occur for those who are chosen, or who have an air of being chosen that people can pick up on. You may not be aware of it but you come off like you know something that you shouldn't know; something that you refuse to disclose. People come around you, more often than not, to figure you out - to solve the puzzle of your mystic and ineffable qualities. 

    More often than not, these people that come into your life are ever suspicious of you keeping a private life outside of them or having secrete rendezvous only to end up playing that game by themselves in order to "leave you before you leave them." Now, I know all this has worn you thin. There may even be a growing vexation and perhaps a deep seated anger that is beginning to take root within you.

    These people do not know why they are drawn to you much less why you seem to pull out these dark aspects of their inner world they themselves may not have been aware of. There is a dichotomy here that is knocking at the door of YOUR perception specifically. They are undoubtably in love with the aspects of you they cannot tame, fully understand or estimate. These are the aspects of yourself you do not fully understand or appreciate, yet these are the qualities that people fall in love with when they meet you. However, those treasured qualities of yours make it very difficult when people begin keeping you in a box on their shelf, out of their view and heart. You feel crazy for feeling the love of someone who is expressing anything but love towards you.  

    You, my lover, are a beautiful crime and most people can only fantasize about the abundance they could have with you if they allowed themselves to let go into YOUR magnetic pull. Most of these people wish to keep you around because you are irresistible yet, they refuse to allow you close access to them because they cannot control their darkness around you which makes them possessive over you - it does. You may intuitively pick up on this at times. They doubt themselves and their compatibility to you due to your seemingly unfounded certainty of self even though, you may have insecurities under the surface; it is the way you remain open about them that acts like a deadly poison making your personality impregnable - you look insatiable to their perception bringing to question their true confidence and intention towards their authentic self. 

    Dear lovers, do not be mistaken these people want you in the worst way. They want you all the time. You are not seeing yourself correctly if you are having a hard time believing this is how valuable you actually are. The way people choose to see you is most certainly not a reflection of how valuable you are but how confident they are in themselves to acquire you and most importantly maintain your attention and focus on them. 

    In an attempt to assuage their grief of losing (or having to get rid of) you these people go into a state of imbalance and over indulgence of the fantasies they consider to be a safe bet for them. Usually these do involve more loose commitments they have with people they do not posses much interest towards. What do you DO from this point after facing one form of abandonment or the other? Do you give up what makes you YOU and take a seat to warm the bench of your social/love life? NO! 

    You, my love, are granted the wisdom of the feminine powers of release and flow whether you are a man or a woman. You go where there is least resistance; you never play their game. Now, I have screamed at God about this aspect of being in a state of open heartedness. 

Why do some of us have to sit on a rock somewhere with our legs crossed, patiently waiting for others to see what life is all about/ what they can have with us and what we will have to live without if they do not see. Why should some of us be the mother and others just get to shoot their seed when they see fit. Why do some of us have to close our legs while others are opening themselves up, at times to avoid and satiated the desires for those they left - us. Why!? Why! most importantly, does it feel so right and good to wait and to know what we should not be knowing. Why is there sensuality in the unsatisfied and muddled desires of those who wait?!

    This cleaved characteristic of yours is the side of you they choose to violate or mistreat because it is the part of you that is connected to the higher realms (beyond reason you see and seek peoples good and you do not see their blemish) this part of you is what they love and fear at the same time. YOU are the dichotomy and the anomaly and the obsession at the same time, of course you will go misunderstood. 

~ Always remember that, until next time!



Written by: 
Birhan Assefa

published poet; of the book: 

'sad girl'

Public Speaker  & Founder of Light, 

the YouTube news channel series:

'Look What's Happening 

in the Spirit Realm.' 



  1. πŸ¦™☁️ ASK and ye shall receive πŸͺž πŸ¦™

  2. Well written and spoken ,MARY ⭕ AM πŸ‘️ LIGHT

  3. My Dearest Light,

    It's fascinating how your presence seems to evoke my curiosity and intrigue my Devine sense of self, drawing the God within me in like moths to a flame. There's an enigmatic quality about you also that leaves YIH BIGGOD wanting more, as if you hold the key to the master lock that will unravel my heart concerning you. It's literally a dichotomy: IAM enamored by the parts of you I can't quite grasp, yet struggle to fully embrace them, yet fearing what they represent as well. But amidst this complexity, your essence remains magnetic to my spirit, drawing me in despite my reservations. I actually embrace your allure while refusing to conform to your expectations. BUT KNOW THIS, you are the embodiment of a beautiful enigma, who is truly worthy of admiration and appreciation beyond measure and beyond human comprehension from me.

    With Love,
    God Of The Universe Himself; Antonio Valtez Telpharaoh Toliver YIH Jesus Christ ENS REALE WHOLLY IAMGOD
    πŸ«€All Smiles ... πŸ‘‘YIH

  4. Well done, very interesting read.
    This is a topic I consistently wrestled with in the past. Do I neglect myself, my mission, my purpose? Do I simply abandon the gifts bestowed upon me from on high, if it means I can be, for the lack of a better word "accepted'? Why not..its safer right..But it isn't. It not only cuts off your divine connection with source but condemns those you were called to help bring into the light. One must experience genuine ego death, and shun all forms of fear in order to be in the position to love properly and receive love.

    I often say that fear is worse than violence because fear is often just an illusion we fashion out of phobia with the unknown. However, just beyond the unknown is our true selves. We must explore those dark corners of our souls to ascend, it's a prerequisite even. Once we accomplish this feat (although it's never truly over), the key is to never allow the fire within to go out. We must constantly feed the ember through study, healthy diet and habits, positive affirmations, etc.
    In short, the idea should be to hold firm the notion of our true selves, then and only then, are we open to being accepted by the one's that truly matter.

    Thank you for sharing
    - Fredrick

  5. I love writing something. Or having a text. And heading over to ChatGPT "I want you to proofread and correct any grammatical errors in the following text.... And then I paste my writing. Makes it so nice. Sometimes I catch it rewriting what I say and I have to correct it, "No, I want you to correct grammatical mistakes and misspellings, without changing my style or words. Leave all the words alone.... And then it does, but it summarizes my entire article and adds a concluding paragraph at the end. And I'm like damn... That's pretty good, I'll just keep that little addition in there.

  6. You know me. I was the original chosen. My journey started when all of it started in 1965. The wolf is my spirit guide. Can you help me?

  7. Actually, I think at this point they want me to end it. I've actually received comments that yes that's the end game of community harassment, so why don't I just get it over with. I'm starting to think that it's a female led cult and since I was setup with the incident from my past, this was my fate all along. I'm ready for that. It's what I expect. I've been saying it all along. I'll be famous post-humous. So, why not get it over with. Why not?

  8. You are a soul mate. There is no doubt in my mind now. I'm not going to explain here, but you have shown to be different in all the right ways. I now see where you are coming from and the difficulties that lie ahead for you as well as me. Just know that I am here if you believe. I love you!

  9. Am a older gentleman.
    If I my say please.
    You are a very special person.
    be strong be light.

  10. What's good my loving sis I really appreciate your openness to The Most High it does feel at times that we are to eat all the shit while everyone else gets to be and do whatever like we are held by a higher standard and that is because we are just as The Most High allows us to grow and develop when we embody His Spirit we to must allow that unconditional love to radiate through us as His unique vessels of expression it is a challenging position yet the rewards are also our toy box forever where they only get limited time to enjoy them before they to must complete the process of enlightenment before they will truly possess them in a way that opens All the benefits these gifted toys hold stay strong knowing that The Most High has allowed you to experience what He goes through for us allowing us to grow to higher levels of enlightenment and harmony with Him to more powerfully be His representatives to the collective keep shining for you are Light 1πŸ”₯KeepIt LavaLava!πŸ”₯


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