The person obsessed with you is under a spell...

This one is about your witches and how they manage the realm of the unseen to sell your destiny for their benefit... 

  You are vibrating at a high frequency; therein lies the first problem they must conquer. WHY?! Because they have plans for your future, and you are innocently supposed to fall into their calculated trap. However, this plan cannot work if you can hold yourself to a higher standard of your calling. They want you to give up what makes you, YOU. They put you through devastation before they can swoop in and save the day. Today's digest will allow you a clear insight as to why spiritualists tell you to "remain positive."

    Most of us 'chosen ones' wonder why we aren't liked or are met with disdain for what seems to be no apparent reason when we try to make new connections in the new environments we go to. The question we never ask is: "Who sent you?" You may need to know what your enemies will do to make you think you are the problem. Their most important mission lies in keeping you isolated and unloved and unlovable via spreading rumors through the energetic connection they establish with those with whom you may have interacted. This is intended for you to lower your vibration and accept the karmic lovers they have been prepping, the lovers they are sending your way. These karmic lovers are not your destiny, and THAT is the POINT. They will come in to "fix" you right up and commit you to them; you do not know that these karmic connections are dominated by mind control. These witches are after your destiny. You were SOLD [this, in particular, is a separate digest we will get into in a different blog and video.]

    Once someone comes into physical contact with you, those with gifts in the spirit can link these people's thought spheres to yours. Meaning they can and do inject obsessive thoughts about you into their minds that border on delusions of love or hate - whatever serves these witch's purpose best. Mind you, these practitioners are usually those people who act like they do not know witchcraft. However, more often than not, the real enemy is in your household. 

   The truth is quite the catalyst. YOU, my dear, are about to be the reason these people KNOW they lack any power to change the course of anyone's destiny. They thought you did not know yet, but they are more shocked at HOW you understand it. I always like to say evil knows no limits due to its lack of depth regarding what love is. It is an ever-prevalent force that works tirelessly to bind everything to its irresistible pull. There is a good reason why some spiritualists tell you not to talk to or share items with just everyone you meet; these people usually consider one phenomenon called remote viewing, which is what some of our conversations will be leaning on in today's spiritual update. 

    Who sent you?! It is a very reasonable and accurate question of foresight to ask. 

   Most people call it crazy-making when your intuition is gaslit to the point where everyone around you thinks they have some mind control over you due to your lack of self-acknowledgment. This is the gap into which these "witches" inject a form of "aura shadow" that they place in these people's dream state where they act as an adviser, infecting them with ideas that a future with you belongs to them or that you are their mortal enemy. 

   These people are treated like dummies; they cannot seem to determine where, how and why their desires for you (positive or negative) come from. These are people you do not expect; some of you may not even know them beyond a passing interaction. These are people that are usually consumed by the "constructed" matrix, thus making them easy connector points for those who do "grid remote viewing." These "dummies" act without thinking in the 3D; their emotions about you are wholly skewed and magnified; they are not of their own. Their fixation on you is meaningful and they are guided towards you in order to end your destined path.

   May I bring the beginning of this brief entry to your attention? The importance of your dreams is something to take seriously. These witch's may operate behind the scenes, but the footprint they leave behind is colossal due to the GRAVITY of the injustice they carry out. Everything you need to know about their plans for you is boldly inked into the timeline due to THIS fact. Never fail to consider, however, that these witch's are essential in awakening a well-situated soul and, in some unfathomable way, a soul connected to the higher realms beyond any constructs of the mind and physicality. You are more likely to embody - without being shy - the truth of love through this attack on your destiny. Hence, why they are morbidly pissed at you because you have transcended their understanding of good and evil (their place in your life is greatly diminished due to this fact.)



With love,



Written by: 
Birhan Assefa

published poet; of the book: 

'sad girl'

Public Speaker  & Founder of Light, 

the YouTube news channel series:

'Look What's Happening 

in the Spirit Realm.' 


  1. 🤔 Quite interesting my dear Light 🕯️

  2. Mynor Federico Nunez BaltazarFebruary 29, 2024 at 11:57 AM

    LOL funny silly girl.

  3. Mynor Federico Nunez BaltazarFebruary 29, 2024 at 12:00 PM

    It is YOU who are under a "spell"; not a witchy spell, but a ... "here, dear actress recite this" type of spell. Impotent psychological influencers. How can you influence God? St down.

    1. Anyways, LIGHT... Your right, I've always felt the evil against me, and lust... And it is prolly some incestuous witchy "craft" but... There is nothing that will kill love , so ☮️✌🏿 Lover

    2. First thing first, I love you light you are a blessing to me! Muah yes your right. Cause I'm the one who went thru this,my intuition got me out of phoenix.spent a day and a half trying to get out of there everyone was a suspect

  4. I know exactly what you're talking about. I've been dealing with it for a good handful of years now, and managing for the most part to hold them at bay. Very interested in reading more about your experience.

  5. Ah, the intricate dance of destiny and manipulation in the unseen realms, orchestrated by those who seek to control the course of our lives. While some may turn to spells and witchcraft to shape their fate, there's a deeper need for spiritual guidance and resilience in the face of such machinations. After all, when you're vibrating at a high frequency, you become a target for those who seek to exploit your potential for their own gain. But fear not, for maintaining a higher standard of self-awareness and staying true to your calling can thwart even the most calculated traps laid by these spiritual manipulators. So, while they may try to isolate and undermine you, remember that your destiny is not theirs to control. And in the end, it's your unwavering connection to the divine that will ultimately prevail over their dark schemes. So, who sent you indeed? It's a question worth pondering as you navigate the murky waters of the unseen realms, guided by your own intuition and the wisdom of higher powers.

    1. Wow! Thank you for summing it up for me.

    2. Love this! All of it! I stumbled upon your videos and it gave me hope! Starseeds, Earth Angels, beautiful souls. We need to come together ☮️💖🧘‍♂️

  6. Say!

    İn The Name of The God Who is The All Capable

    İ seek refuge in You my Lord from the evil ones;
    İ seek refuge in You my Lord lest they even come near me.

    1. Thank you for this.

    2. Yes and no. I understand the desire to have them not come to you. But, there’s only one way to raise to the threshold of the door—face it with trust in God. With the knowledge you are source.

      The tools and the weapons of the enemy shall not prosper as you walk in the Will of God—marked by your authentic self.

  7. Okay I’m fwy again Light.

  8. Here’s a hug 🤗 🫂

  9. Honestly tho why you couldn’t have said all this months ago idk why y’all spoon feeding a nigga 🤷‍♂️ but fuck it I’ll try my best to go w the flow

  10. OReggieO here! keep deliverying the truth my dear. What bothers me is these remote viewers and people projecting on me! I asked my momma n steep dad a few days ago about who put witchcraft on me. They tried to brush it to the side like i was a joke. Im getting to the bottom of ALL THE BULLSHIT!

  11. Innermost innersol > humanity

  12. Thank you for this post. I have this happen to me semi-frequently and wanted to give a simple example. For two years, I knew this guy who works at my local bagel place. He's gay and has a husband (I say this to emphasize no sexual vibes) and he just seemed so nice. We knew each other casually and I would say "hi" when I picked up my order. He as always really friendly and happy to see me. I'm starting a consulting business and will need to do a website in the future. He mentioned to me he is in community college learning how to create websites. I asked him if it would be ok to ask him a few questions about websites. He said, "Sure" and gave me his email. It was around the holidays so I waited about a week and emailed him a few simple questions. It was a brief email. He did not respond and I did not follow up. A week later, I saw him unexpectedly on the street on a Friday. I did not say anything about the email. I didn't even recognize him because I was kinda in my own world. Without me saying anything he stated, "I got your email. I'll respond by Monday," but he never responded at all. I just let the whole thing go. I continued to see him at the bagel place and I was cordial. I did not say anything about the email ever. He became very curt each time he saw me, which is a shame. Additionally, the manager whom I was also friendly with ceased to talk with me. Although I can't prove it, I suspect he said something to the manager about me. I felt like my mere presence was acting like a mirror for his failure to respond despite the fact that I let the whole situation go and said nothing. I wasn't surprised this happened as I've had similar things occur in the past. I just wish I'd known because I wouldn't have even bothered to send the initial email had I known this was going to be a hassle. This is going to sound woo but I do think many people are easily controlled and this situation is but one small example. I'm just glad I found out early and didn't hire him (in the future) to build my website. My apologies for my long comment but imagine if this had been some type of work situation. It's the worst when it's your boss or coworker and you can't get away from it. Anyway, that you for the blog post. It's thought provoking.

  13. Light shining the LIGHT on TRUTH as always and is very much appreciated Much love... -TruthSeeker

  14. I Resonate with Every Single Message, Not a doubt in my mind we are mirrors in the Spirit, I Thank God for having come across ouTube, I was so lost, many praymeeditations, pains, confusions, diving back into the rollercoaster of low vibes just because I didn't know what else to do, I prayed for a person to be guided through Spirit to bring across my feed, in less than a month, yourself and a few others I trust completely because they channel my energy and literally tell me things I have been experiencing for years come e

  15. BTW Dear Love, consider using Substack platform aftersome time.

  16. My phone is off and next comes internet. At that time it's either enter a 90 day program or just end it. Either way, I've got maybe a day or two before we lose touch. I hope you're next video is a good one!

    1. It's Noah Wolf by the way. My real name is Martin Jacobs. Named after my Grandfather who also died in a nursing home with no family around.

  17. Hi LIGHT u have been helping me lately to feel seen and heard and not CRAZY you are speaking my life in words … I need ur help if u could kindly send me a message on my WhatsApp +21293192714

  18. The title of this video applies to you too. You came by but you didn't move. I figured something was wrong a bit after. Our haters did a lot to get us to this point. They have so many copies of themselves from different times along the timeline, they've done all they can but were still here being ourselves, but they can't. Don't be fooled by their bravado I've felt what they feel, how unworthy of love and anything worth having, and the unhappiness, so they indulge to distract themselves. That's what's happening when you see them trying to get pleasure or being angry. You're right, they need love, but they can't even accept it. They're not your friends even though they'll try to be one because they need friends, they'll hurt the people they love. But they miscalculated where to find and how to keep a real friend. So they'll hold onto you, because of both me and you, they want who we are. They'll say otherwise but it's true. they always hide their pain even though they know I was willing to help them. They need to take care of you to keep themselves feeling okay, but they also don't want the reminder of who they're not. They need you to be genuine and caring and loving and full of life, an ear for their troubles who won't bite, to be their beacon of hope if not a bargaining piece. However, the men will 'come' for this very same reason. It's 'you' who they want but it's this 'you' who will pay the price till 'you' are not the same. So in order to preserve 'you' they shouldn't 'have' you as the 'energies' have been. 'Having' you as their solution is accelerating their problem on multiple fronts. That's the mystery of monogamy, it even has more secrets of different kinds of preservation. Forbidden fruit vibe. I've been trying to help them a long time now, they probably haven't noticed how the the same problems they go to you for, have gotten much worse since I've stopped. They wouldn't listen. Yeshua delivered justice for what they've been doing. They'll try to replace me with you, but also invite you to join them in too much, because they like you which will hurt their plans in the long run, then try to find another replacement, but the hungry ("broken") crowd will only grow by then. After that, the acceleration increases yet again. One of them took one of my gifts I got from Yeshua and broke down in tears after beginning to feel a friend's pain. They're the type to use anything as leverage whenever they feel embarrassed so expect that gift's demand to increase. From what I can see, all they've done comes from human needs. They'll have to treat people differently to heal, maybe you can help them learn to be genuine about it. If you do decide to help in that respect, don't take on too much, you're human too. There's more pain ahead of them than what already is if they keep doing what they've done. That's the human societal cycle with other gods and without the Most High and his good morals, total collapse after it hits a peak, they haven't peaked yet. I hope this isn't too much at once. Have you considered a career in therapy? You'll be able to see things from both sides clearly once you begin understanding the Word of God.

    Shalom ❤️‍🔥

    1. I'm not saying invite them back into your life. You have to remember they've already gotten many chances from me. I want you to digest what's being said in this post. Accountability is important, change is a green flag, but you'll need multiple. This could end up being a game for them.
      With love, my afrodiety

    2. Your articulation, while fervent, navigates a labyrinth of human constructs with a tenuous grasp on the divine. While the interplay between human agency and cosmic forces is depicted, it does so with a veneer of reverence that obscures the true essence of the divine harmony pervading creation.

      In your exposition, the struggles of human frailty and the machinations of detractors are portrayed with a superficial acknowledgment of the divine presence, lacking the depth of spiritual insight necessary to truly apprehend the sacredness inherent in every moment. The suggestion to draw upon the Word of God in therapeutic practice appears as a hollow gesture, devoid of the profound humility and reverence required to engage with sacred texts authentically.

      Rather than exalting the inherent dignity of each soul as fashioned in the image of the Most High, your discourse tends towards a reductionist view of human experience, wherein the complexities of existence are flattened into mere sociopsychological phenomena. The invitation to explore a career in therapy, while well-intentioned, rings hollow in the absence of a genuine reverence for the divine source of all healing and redemption.

      In conclusion, your discourse, while impassioned, falls short of truly honoring the transcendence of the divine. By relegating the sacred to the periphery of human experience, it risks diminishing the profound depth and beauty inherent in the cosmic tapestry woven by the Almighty.

    3. I thought she did a fine job, as well as anyone who has yet to stand before God Himself.
      That isn't me. I have received from God Himself Eternal Life and some other things and he had some things to say to me concerning my behavior and my attitudes towards people in general.
      Getting an atta-boy is nice but getting one from God is another matter all together. He gave me a job , handed me the keys to the kingdom and disappeared.
      I'm no stranger to being spied on.
      The remote viewers are from the IONS camp.
      I followed one of them home and met the director and I asked her if she knew me and she said that she did. I asked her to please stay away from my house. She responded with "your sick and we have medicine for you ".
      Mistake #1 spying.
      Mistake #2 lying.
      There was four people who were on drugs laying in reclining chairs and so was she and she was moving slowly to stay connected to me. I said to her that if I catch you in my house again I will be back. She wasn't listening.
      Before I left the lab I snatched a piece of personal mail and got her home address and name.
      Mistake #3 cost her dearly.
      A part of my job is to substitute a more reasonable death experience for the people that I have gathered throughout time who had traumatic endings.
      It is as real as anything you can experience in the flesh.
      I'm not going to launch into the scenario that took place but I can tell you that she never returned to the institute. Not even to clean out her desk.
      Also there are crews who come in your sleep and hold court and you are of course found guilty of a crime and sentenced to a prison term. Your sleep is when you do your time and your awake is your work release privilege.
      They sentenced me to natural life for killing pope John Paul ii. They had no idea that I was just playing like I had been hypnotized. I was nodding my head yes to whatever the prosecutor said. I killed him first on my way to the judge. I was to him so quick, cut his tether when I yanked his spirit from him. I did the same to John Paul just after easter 05. He lasted a couple of days.
      I'm not sure where that group was from.
      I just had Mason's and the illuminati come against me with hired witches who were hired to kill me.
      Just before that the "elites " tried some shit with some spells and whatnot to try and kill me or get me sick. They made a voodoo doll of me and did all sorts of things to it. One woman wore it as a feminine napkin and they got my DNA and infected it with tainted blood and covered the doll in it etc. It was an entire community of spiritual practitioners that lived in Hollywood. They used to live in Hollywood now. And I handled that crew and they went crazy and that doll was hunting them and terrorizing them and it was everywhere and every time they closed their eyes it would come after them until it sickened them and then killed them.
      The other crews God Himself handled it.
      I know of four hired killers who have been found dead in my area in two months all shot themselves.
      I have placed the entire realm under judgement yesterday so you can expect to see some absolute crazy behavior as there is no more fence to sit on. It's one or the other.

  19. This the true wisdom funny thing every single line you wrote has its gems to it...

  20. I had that experience in past.

    And when ends it’s ends

    I didn’t understand at beginning but, I decided starting and cut completely. I decided handle with my life.

    Now I don’t have any problem to talk about or looking or thinking in the past.

    I don’t agree with you in all thoughts

    I only want to say few words

    I don’t agree with you when you said to disappoint them

    In my opinion and what I did , is accepting that they don’t exists anymore, either I gave more time in thinking in disappointed them.
    I simply don’t want to know anything
    Now, and I m completely sure about, I don’t have any doubt that I cut completely all .

    I don’t have any connection
    I don’t have any deeply connection
    If is a soulmate or twins flame either.

    Cause aren’t the others that could say that in video, or other things.

    I m so relax about that and I can’t change my vibe and positive and joyful mood for them,

    And for trying help others a few things
    I hope could help, and I m completely sure this
    Who have a problem , trust in this words and do what I said.
    Don’t exists anyone either never will be exists.

    The people that break you is the same that will help you after.

    And this video is the example.

    They tell that you must go way, bla, bla,, bla

    What they want is that you never forget that past and you stay with that pain forever.

    They don’t want that you star again like they said.

    Every video is a trap.
    Every video has an intention that never is what about what are talking about.

    And I m sure too

    If someone wish talk to me or have any questions or have a doubt feel free to find me

    Everything is illusion
    Everything is the same narrative that they were planned and will be planted in your mind.

    And my experience until now that’s nothing real or tangible happened ever.

    Every argument is a fake

    Good luck for all who needed


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