Your whole community will try to sell you; the earth angel; out of fear from a force they don't know...
You fight a whole community to walk in the chosen path of guarding your mind, decoding the Light, and using your words to speak life and freedom into your being and those around you. Being a Starseed or a chosen one is more about articulating the language of the Light so that others can feel a deep and personal sense of self-recognition and belonging. There may be a purpose to why our hearts are broken several times into smaller pieces, as though to find something deeper in it or without it. We are thrown into the frying pan of our thoughts and worries about the present circumstance and what it could bring to us. Yes, some people would have us commit ourselves to their program of how things should go for our lives; they may even go above and beyond to see their desires pass. However, we may have heavily overestimated our ability to determine how things should be. Earth angels go through spiritual awakenings to unravel the fabric...