
Your silence is experienced in forms of revelations by the people you left...

You are experienced by people in the way they least expected it to impact them because your response to life comes from a deep and meaningful place of sight.         So many people suffer at the hands of their own inability to express the love within them. They are the same individuals that would tell you as a friend not to trust someone else (to be cautious) when it comes to your heart. It is funny to me how the loneliest and most pure souls are the ones unjustifiably categorized into these boxes and consumed like fiction instead of a real person - treated with a sort of careful injustice.         People get close to you hoping to get some inspiration, some understanding of themselves which they feel a sense of connectedness towards when you are in their lives. The intensity and intimacy with which you lead your life makes people feel like you have a bigger purpose attached to you. There is an intensity their presence carries when they are with you - in your orbit and you in theirs. T

There is something enigmatic about you that keeps people around you...

There is something enigmatic about you that keeps people around you or coming back for more...        I have come to understand a phenomena that seems to occur for those who are chosen, or who have an air of being chosen that people can pick up on. You may not be aware of it but you come off like you know something that you shouldn't know; something that you refuse to disclose. People come around you, more often than not, to figure you out - to solve the puzzle of your mystic and ineffable qualities.       More often than not, these people that come into your life are ever suspicious of you keeping a private life outside of them or having secrete rendezvous only to end up playing that game by themselves in order to "leave you before you leave them." Now, I know all this has worn you thin. There may even be a growing vexation and perhaps a deep seated anger that is beginning to take root within you.     These people do not know why they are drawn to you much less why you s

This person is facing what they put you through when they though you were a karmic...

The person(s) is facing what they put you through; they though you were a karmic...      There is a sudden realization that some of the people that left you are having as they deal with situations in their lives that is now teaching them a hard lesson. They are embarrassed for how they spoke about you after you two parted ways. They know they were not perfect (now) even though they thought their actions were introspective and considerate at the time. They are taking a closer look at their inner world as their current interactions with others is testing their faith.       They may have reveled when they left you in the state that you were in. There was a disconnect in their actions when it comes to you. They may have been excited to have put you in your place, in their high, they may have led with their ego and spoke ill on your name. You were a karmic in their eyes who did not know what was good for you if it hit you square in the face. Now, they are coming across people who are as unp